What to Know About Taking Time Off Work


This webinar will explain key laws related to taking time off work, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and state and local leave laws. Learn about your rights, the process for requesting leave, how laws work together, and what information you may need to disclose about ... Read more


Understanding Your Disability Insurance Options


This webinar will explain disability insurance options when you have a serious medical condition and need to take time off from work. Learn about the process to apply, application tips, what to do if your claim is denied, navigating benefits, and other options for caregivers.


Triage Health Conference


Triage Cancer® offers a series of FREE educational conferences on cancer-related topics including navigating finances, health and disability insurance, employment rights, advocacy, and more. Conferences are designed for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, advocates, and oncology health care professionals.* This event covers key information needed to help navigate practical issues, minimize the financial burden of ... Read more


Navigating Health Care: How to Plan Ahead


This session will explore these different types of health care services: palliative care, home health care, long-term care, and advance care planning. Learn how to access these health care services, understand how different types of insurance will cover these services, and get practical tips for navigating health care.


Accessing & Paying for Clinical Trials


Clinical trials give us new treatments and other medical advances. This webinar will provide tips on how to find, qualify, and pay for clinical trials. It will also dispel common myths, and explain insurance coverage for clinical trials.


What to Do When an Insurance Company Says “No”


When an insurance company denies coverage for your care, you don’t have to take “NO” for an answer. Learn about the appeals process for individual and employer-sponsored health plans, Medicare, and Medicaid.


Close the Knowledge Gap: Key Tips for Open Enrollment


This webinar will take the mystery out of the open enrollment process. Attendees will learn basic health insurance terms and tips for comparing and picking health insurance plans.


What Should I Know About Medicare? – Part 1


Get ready for open enrollment! Learn about the different parts of Medicare, Medigap, and Medicare Advantage. We'll share strategies for the important decisions you can make this fall. We'll also share tips for using Medicare's Plan Finder, as well as explain how to compare options using our Medicare Options Comparison Worksheet.


Triage Cancer Conference


Triage Cancer® offers a series of FREE educational conferences on cancer-related topics including navigating finances, health and disability insurance, employment rights, advocacy, and more. Conferences are designed for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, advocates, and oncology health care professionals.* This event covers key information needed to help navigate practical issues, minimize the financial burden of ... Read more


What Should I Know About Medicare? – Part 2


Need information beyond open enrollment? Building on what you've learned during Part 1 of this series, we'll cover additional Medicare topics, such as the general & special enrollment periods, coordination of benefits, financial assistance with out-of-pocket costs, and what to do if a claim is denied.
