Code Your Dreams “OktCoderFest”

Hubbard inn (Chicago, IL) 110 W Hubbard St, Chicago, IL, United States

We're excited to invite you to OktCoderFest – Code Your Dreams' annual fundraising event of the year – on Friday, October 8th at 6-9PM at Chicago's Hubbard Inn. So much has happened already in 2021! We added a new Data Science track to our curriculum, launched classrooms in Kenya, and created partnerships to teach in ... Read more


Self-Pitch Perfect: The Art of Standing Out

Navigating the vast landscape of the tech world often boils down to one essential skill: the ability to effectively communicate your story, passion, and potential. Whether you're aiming for that coveted role, securing funding for your startup, or merely looking to expand your professional network, how you present yourself can be the difference-maker. Join us ... Read more
